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Fotos Poco Vistas de The Beatles

Paul McCartney
Beatles - Abbey Road covershoot by Iain Macmillan, August 8th 1969
The Beatles

The Beatles
Prescient: A shirtless Paul joins Ringo and George as they crouch over John Lennon as he plays dead on the floor
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The Beatles
The Beatles

The Beatles
Ringo pours the tea at breakfast in 1965

John and Paul
yeahmon:(via blackcrowblues)
Paul and John look like they’re going off to get gay married here and I DIG THAT ABOUT THEM.Paul, Linda, John and Yoko
John and Ringo at the photo shoot for the cover of Sgt. Pepper in 1967

I get high with a little help from my friends, I’m gonna try with a little help from my friends.

The Hair History of The Beatles

The Beatles,  August 11, 1967 photographed by Richard Avedon
The Beatles by Richard Avedon

Paul pinches an inch as the Fab Four pose on the banks of the Thames

Baby Beatles

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

La penúltima foto, no eran más que unos niños de mejillas sonrosadas.

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